Hi, I'm

About Me

Hi, my name is Alexey Vlasov and I’m a software developer from Russia. Challenging problems to solve is my passion. I tied myself in various IT areas from developing firmware for microcontrollers to web designing.



December 2011
Winner of the municipal stage in the Olympiad for schoolchildren in Computer Science
December 2012
Winner of the municipal stage in the Olympiad for schoolchildren in Computer Science
January 2012
Prize-winner of the regional stage in the Olympiad for schoolchildren in Computer Science
January 2013
Winner of the regional stage in the Russian Youth Subject Championship of schoolchildren in Computer Science
December 2013
Prize-winner of the municipal stage in the Olympiad for schoolchildren in Computer Science
October 2014
Second degree in ACM ICPC, NEERC, Estern Subrigional Contest
October 2015
Third degree in ACM ICPC, NEERC, Estern Subrigional Contest
May 2017
Made a neural network for counting birds in a photo as a project at the University
July 2017
Created a simple bot for online game using Arduino microcontroller
August 2017
Made an algorithm for text recognition from the screen for an online game
December 2017
Developed game on Android "TetroGun" as a project at the University
May 2018
Developed an external add-on client for an online game as a graduate work at the University
August 2018
Got a job at 3DiVi as a Software Engineer. Worked there for 2.5 years
April 2021
Exploring microservice architecture. Development of my own private projects
May 2021
Developed this personal website as a portfolio
Born in
October 1996


I have worked with many different programming languages, libraries and frameworks. Below are the technologies that have ever been used in my work.

  • JavaScript
  • C
  • C++
  • C#
  • Java
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Boost
  • Django
  • MonoGame
  • OpenCV
  • RabbitMQ
  • React
  • Wordpress



Contact Me

Feel free to ask any questions. You can always contact me via social media or fill out the form to send me an email.

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